SOCIAL ECONOMIC & GOVERNANCE INNOVATION VITALITY INDEX CUSTOMER SATISFACTION STUDY* 11 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T E X E C U T I V E S U MM A R Y 2 0 2 1 Employee Engagement 76.20%(NPS) Total Workforce 25,760 Gender Diversity 22% +5% Total Sales Volume 14.8million tons 87%Employee attendance 90% signed by Business Heads 92% signed by Site Heads +11% Total recordable injury rate: TRIR 0.98cases per 200,000 man-hours +38% Total Revenues US$ 14,629million +38% Lost time injury frequency rate: LTIFR 0.66 cases per 200,000 man-hours +55% Core EBITDA US$ 1,743 million -24% Operating Cash Flow US$ 1,055 million +234% Core Net Profit after Tax and NCI US$ 684million +2.48 THB Core Earnings per Share THB 3.76 AA- TRIS Rating +61% +2.19% Average training 29.92 hours +35% Overall Employee Attrition 11.42% +51% Total CSR contribution US$ 1.65 million 9,493 Volunteer hours -20% Total in-kind giving US$ 200,981 Recycling education 2,751 people trained Customer Retention Rate (CRR) Customer Satisfaction Index Net Promoter Score (NPS) * A formal customer satisfaction study was conducted every other year as part of our group sustainability strategy. This study was conducted in 2020. 86.16% 92% 57 HUMAN RESOURCES CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY CORPORATE GOVERNANCE POLICY AWARENESS CAMPAIGN (CGPAC) IMPLEMENTATION REPORT 2021 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION FOR MORE INFORMATION HOME