CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Effective governance at IVL and its subsidiaries relies on a strong focus on integrity, business growth, and an experienced and high-caliber Boardof Directors. Published in 2019, the CorporateGovernanceManual (CGManual) provides all directors, employees and stakeholders with a clear focus on how IVL’s values are being implemented, how they are linked to the Company’s long-term objectives and how corporate governance is being realized. The Company continuously monitors its progress and provides guidance and support to ensure strong awareness among all IVL associates. Directors on the Nomination, Compensation and Corporate Governance (NCCG) Committee are 100% independent. IVL received an “Excellent - 5 Star” CG score by the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) for the ninth consecutive year. IVL successfully renewed its certification with Thailand ’s Private Sector Coalition Against Corruption (CAC) in April 2021, having been first certified in October 2014. Independent Directors on the NCCG Committee 100% 2021 Highlights Introduced the Declaration on Human Rights to be signed by all Business Heads and Site Heads. 90% signed by Business Heads 92% signed by Site Heads Launched the Conflict of Interest Assistance Package to support the implementation of the Conflict of Interest Policy at subsidiaries. No penalties were imposed on IVL for material non-compliance with respect to corporate governance regulations. 19 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T E X E C U T I V E S U MM A R Y 2 0 2 1 FOR MORE INFORMATION HOME