Indorama Ventures

SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Integrating sustainability into our supply chain is a core focus and we have robust mechanisms in place. Our suppliers must comply with IVL’s Policies and ESG compliance, adhering to proper business ethics and environmental regulations, in addition to recognizing the importance of human rights. The coverage areas include ethics, human rights, EHS andmutual trust and respect. 2021 Highlights Sustainable Procurement Pathways 2021 Assessment Results Upgrade Key Supplier Tools and Digital Data Systems • Revise the Code of Conduct, Supplier Self-assessment and GHG questionnaire. • Enhance and explore digital supplier engagement tools. 100% of raw material suppliers and critical non-raw material suppliers were assessed based on human rights-related risks. No key raw materials and critical non-raw materials suppliers were identified as human rights-related risks. Capacity Building • Provide training to global procurement teams. • Productively engage with suppliers who may differ in decarbonization maturities. No key raw materials and critical non-raw materials suppliers were specified as being exposed to risks of incidents of child, forced and compulsory labor. Supplier Engagement Program • Engage and incentivize suppliers to reduce their carbon footprints. • Align our procurement decisions based on program outcomes. No complaints concerning human rights in supply chain were submitted through the grievance reporting system. 100% IVL obtained a PlatinumMedal and placed in the Top 1% of best performing companies on sustainability in the supply chain. Establish a decarbonizing approach in the supply chain - prioritize Scope 3 by aligning procurement decisions to overall decarbonization efforts Reinforce strong ESG principles in procurement and complete supplier tools • Responsible sourcing policy • Self-assessment • GHG questionnaire 1 workshop conducted 2 workshops by Q2/2022 for the global procurement team 20 INDORAMA VENTURES PCL. VISION - TO BE A WORLD-CLASS SUSTAINABLE CHEMICAL COMPANY MAKING GREAT PRODUCTS FOR SOCIETY. FOR MORE INFORMATION HOME