Indorama Ventures

Innovation and Quality of Products Documentation Services Services and Services Delivery and Technical and Representative Marketing Complaint Handling Product/Service Development Establishing Long-term Relationships Customer Satisfaction Factors CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Yokohama Supplier Excellence Awarded to Performance Fibers in China With this recognition, Performance Fibers in China demonstrates IVL’s high standards and bel iefs, emphasizing our value that the customer is why we exist. We measure ourselves by our customers’ success and aim to exceed their expectations through unparalleled innovation and attention. Glanzstoff Sicremreceived thePirelli Supplier Award for its outstanding service level in 2021. As part of the Indorama Mobility Group, Glanzstoff Sicrem has continuously been a supplier of textile reinforcements, awarded in the“Service Level”category for having contributed to the production of the first Forest Stewardship Counci l cer t i f ied tyre wi th FSC-certified Rayon. Actual* : IVL overall Feedstock CSI 88.35% CRR 93% CSI 86.16% CRR 92% NPS 57 Packaging CSI 84.81% CRR 94% Wool CSI 85.67% CRR 93% Recycling CSI 87.13% CRR 91% PET CSI 86.51% CRR 95% Fibers CSI 85.86% CRR 93% IOD CSI 84.76% CRR 85% 2021 Highlights Strong customer satisfaction is essential for a profitable and sustainable business. We conduct a formal customer satisfaction study every other year as part of our group sustainability strategy, designed tounderstand and assess customer needs, expectations and satisfaction with our products and services. We systematically seek feedback across all business interactions and at all levels from our customers. Our study comprises 22 focused areas incorporated within six overarching factors. * A formal customer satisfaction study was conducted every other year as part of our group sustainability strategy. This study was conducted in 2020. 2021-2022 Target : CSI > 86% Business Segments* 21 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T E X E C U T I V E S U MM A R Y 2 0 2 1 FOR MORE INFORMATION HOME