Indorama Ventures A4 EN

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELL-BEING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS) PERFORMANCE We gain insights into our OHS performance through two indicators – The Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) and Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR). These metrics allow us to gauge our workplace safety, track the effect iveness of our safety programs and dr ive improvements.We also collect accompanying OHS data throughour corporate andbusiness operations, enabling us to analyze performance and adapt accordingly. In 2020, we revised our safety targets. While the 2025 target of LTIFR less than 0.5 cases per 200,000man-hours is actually higher than our 2020 performance, it should be noted that the contractor LTIFR was extremely low in 2020 due primarily to limited contractor activity associated with the impacts of COVID-19. In 2021, however, we recorded an LTIFR of 0.66 cases per 200,000 man-hours, which is lower than our pre-COVID-19 value of 0.84 cases per 200,000 man-hours. Maintaining the target at below 0.5 cases per 200,000 man-hours will requi re ongoing and sustained programmat i c improvements and focus. We reported a total of 2,558 near-miss incidents comparedto1,977 in2020whileover41%ofouroperations (45 of 112 sites) achieved zero accidents in 2021. 130 INDORAMA VENTURES PCL. VISION - TO BE A WORLD-CLASS SUSTAINABLE CHEMICAL COMPANY MAKING GREAT PRODUCTS FOR SOCIETY. EHS PERFORMANCE AND TARGETS In 2021, we implemented EHS management and compliance systems to operationalize standards and strengthen talent in EHS. Our mid-term ambition is for the LTIFR to be less than 0.5 cases per 200,000 man-hours by 2025. Our long-term ambition is for the LTIFR to be less than 0.1 cases per 200,000 man-hours by 2030. 2024 2025 2030 SHORT-TERM MEDIUM-TERM In 2021, we recorded an overall LTIFR of 0.66 cases per 200,000 man-hours Chief Strategy Officer Message Chairman of the ESG Council Message Key Achievements 2021 CEO Message IVL’s Sustainable Value Creation for Stakeholders Home