Indorama Ventures A4 EN

Our commitment to repor t on our sustainabi l ity per formance annually, in accordance with these frameworks, gives readers the opportunity to access our sustainability performance across years, sectors and in relation to similar global organizations. We ensure that the data and statements disclosed in this report are verified by independent auditors. SCOPE AND BOUNDARY OF REPORTING The <IR> Framework requires that we explain our organizational overview, approach to governance, businessmodel, performance, the risks andopportunities that we face, performance and our future outlook, information of material value to our business and stakeholders. Additionally, this report also includes issues that can potentially affect our value creation in the short, medium, and long-term, which are discussed and tested with IVL’s diverse stakeholder groups and disclosed within our reporting boundary. We report consolidated data for entities in which IVL represents more than 50% ownership and for joint ventures in which we have management control. We exclude data from entities in which we participate via minority ownership, and those in which we have no management control. Our quantitative environmental data is gathered frommeter readings, production system outputs, detailed accounting models, and where necessary via estimations with ground rules. This report contains the consolidated information from 112 operational sites including global operations, subsidiaries and factories across our presence in 33 countries (see ‘Exceptions’ below for any entities not included). These were collated from activities between January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, with exceptions including newly acquired entities which are then reported upon their acquisition dates. In certain cases, we take into account important global events that occurred after December 31, 2021. Further details of our reporting boundaries can be found within the GRI Content Index on pg. 182-193. Previous IVL Sustainability Reports can be accessed here. REPORTING PRINCIPLES Value Creation It is incumbent on us as a globally integrated business to create value. Our combined emphasis on robust governance, a clear purpose and a defined strategy is how we transform our resources (capital) into valuable outcomes and outputs for our various stakeholder groups. The value creation process at IVL connects decision-making at the top management level to performance targets and outcomes, and ensures our success in the long run through insights into our operations and supply chains and making strategic commitments. Report Content Our compliance towards sustainability reporting is not a compliance act to merely fulfil external demands. These sustainability reports corroborate our efforts and quantify their outcomes. Ongoing and integrated information flows within and across IVL and our stakeholders that are critical to the long-term success of the organization. Our active engagement with our stakeholders on the issues of most interest to them means we are able to: - Address the most critical sustainability issues and enable long-term value creation for our stakeholders by allocating the expertise, resources and time required to do so. - Benchmark our strategic intentions against crucial social, environmental, and economic issues and scenarios and adapt our efforts accordingly. - Identify new innovations, growth and business opportunities while integrating sustainability in our daily operations to maintain our competitive edge. - Identify and mitigate potential risks or threats to our operational licenses. We consider the issues that most resonate with our stakeholders through their feedback on various communications platforms, which we then assess, measure, rate and consol idate into a structured ‘materiality’ process according to formal principles and frameworks. 177 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 Global Performance Data Responsible Business and Effective Governance Driving Sustainable Value Creation and Growth Towards Net Zero Carbon Empowering Our People and Communities GRI Standard Content Index