Indorama Ventures A4 EN

27 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 VISION 2030 ‘Vision 2030’ outlines our ambition to grow organically with a focus on sustainability, guidedby our newpurpose statement: Reimagining Chemistry Together to Create a Better World. Going forward, we plan to invest in carbon capture technologies, increase renewable energy consumption, and phase out coal. Additionally, we aim to invest more in PET recycling and introduce bio-based feedstock in about a third of our polyester-based value chain. To future-proof the Company, efforts are currently being taken to develop leaders with a growth mindset and empower them with the right tools to lead. To be a world-class sustainable chemical company making great products for society Net Zero Carbon to sustain our world and business Trusted Partner to the global community Thought Leadership on sustainability and the circular economy Global-Local close proximity to stakeholders Circular Approach improving circularity in IVL’s value chain Early Adopter bringing innovation to our operations ESG Best-in-Class investing in a sustainable business Must do Thrusts - Sustainable growth Enabler Stakeholder Engagement Aligning our actions responsibly and in away that benefits society Recycling Building the recycling infrastructure the world needs to deliver a circular economy Efficiency Efficient use of resources, delivering sustainability goals and ROCE, and energy transition/waste to resources Measurable Understanding what will be covered in our sustainable commitments and how our products improve society Education Scaling our education programs while leveraging our extensive global footprint IVL goals shared and adopted by society Recycling 750,000 tons (50 billion) PET bottles p.a. by 2025 Towards Net Zero Carbon External validation Educate 1,000,000 consumers by 2030 through sustainable and affordable products Improving Lives “Always evidence-based” “Honesty in everything” “Collaborative & Innovative” “Visionary leadership” “Adaptive mind-set” Vision Values Aspirations Differentiators Metrics priorities Strategic Responsible Business and Effective Governance Driving Sustainable Value Creation and Growth Towards Net Zero Carbon Empowering Our People and Communities Global Performance Data GRI Standard Content Index