Indorama Ventures A4 EN

COMMUNITIES Topics of interest: How we respond: - Plastic waste and recycling - Driving Circularity Through Stakeholder Partnerships, pg. 74-75 - Environmental preservation surrounding our areas of operation - Towards Net Zero Carbon, pg. 98-121 - Community engagement and human rights - Empowering Our People and Communities, pg. 124-157 How we engage and maintain our relationships: The value we create: - As a PET manufacturer, we educate our communities to properly separate plastic waste for recycling. - We comply with environmental laws and regulations and are ISO 14001 certified. - We engage with our communities on an ongoing basis and work collaboratively to seek multi-beneficial solutions. - We maintain a strong license to operate via proactive and vibrant community engagement, which is of fundamental importance to IVL. Better Environment - Safe and environmentally friendly products - Improved circularity - Cleaner and safer surrounding environment through green projects Better Growth - License to operate - Responsible operations - Strong relationships - Business potential Better Lives - CSR programs for communities - Recycling education - Health and well-being SUPPLIERS AND PARTNERS Topics of interest: How we respond: - Good business ethics, supply chain management and corporate governance - Responsible Business and Effective Governance, pg. 50-67 - Recycling and plastic waste - Circularity Across Our Value Chain, pg. 72-73 - Occupational health and safety - A Safe and Healthy Workplace, pg. 127-134 How we engage and maintain our relationships: The value we create: - Many of our supplier relationships have endured for many years and we are proud of our partnerships. - We seek formal assurances upon signing contracts and conduct regular supplier ESG assessments. - Engaging with our suppliers and partners in developing new circular products, e.g. PPE suits. - Ensuring a safe working environment for our suppliers and contractors. Better Environment - Improved circularity - Reduce and end PET plastic waste Better Growth - Fair and transparent partnership opportunities - Fair and timely compensation - Promote sustainability via our Supplier Code of Conduct - Responsible operations Better Lives - Health, safety and well-being - Recycling education GOVERNMENT AND REGULATORS Topics of interest: How we respond: - Regulatory compliance, risk management, corporate governance - Legislation and policy advocacy - Emerging Risks and Opportunities, pg. 45 - Major Industry Associations and Memberships, pg. 47 - Responsible Business and Effective Governance, pg. 50-57 - Circular economy - Driving Sustainable Value Creation and Growth, pg. 68-97 - Energy intensity and emissions - Net Zero Carbon - Towards Net Zero Carbon, pg. 98-123 - Health & Safety - Community engagement - Empowering Our People and Communities, pg. 124-157 How we engage and maintain our relationships: The value we create: - Maintaining strong relations with regulators is essential as we operate in multiple regions with various types of legislation. - We regularly participate in global forums and summits to support new policies towards a sustainable future. Better Environment - Input for policy development - Partnerships and collaborations to support sustainable regulatory policies Better Growth - Thought leadership - Special Report: Biodiversity, pg. 122-123 - Supply Chain Management, pg. 92-95 39 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 Responsible Business and Effective Governance Driving Sustainable Value Creation and Growth Towards Net Zero Carbon Empowering Our People and Communities Global Performance Data GRI Standard Content Index