Indorama Ventures A4 EN

SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE Sustainability is central to the way we conduct business and run our organization. The four key elements under the sustainabi l ity enabl ing function encompass environmental sustainability, reporting and disclosures, communications and advocacy, and global product innovation and stewardship. These are in line with our 2024 Business Strategy. The SRMC, which oversees sustainability governance, guides IVL’s journey to further embed sustainability considerations in our business. As the organization’s second highest authority on sustainability, the SRMC reports directly to the Board ensuring that this priority is integral in the day-to-day business decisions across our operations and the SRMC Charter is being observed. In 2021, the SRMC met four times, discussing a range of topics linked to sustainability-related issues. During these meetings, the SRMC reviewed and advised on IVL’s sustainability goals and strategies which are in parallel with the organization’s business focus. This allows the Company to flexibly adapt to external changes and achieve sustainable and resilient operations. The committee also reviewed IVL’s sustainability related per formance dur i ng the year and sugges ted improvements – particularly related to health and safety, operational eco-efficiency, and decarbonization. The SRMC emphasized that sustainability projects must be prioritized to achieve our short, medium and long-term targets. The impact of not achieving themcan be potentially significant and pose a reputational risk. The committee further offered recommendations relating to future sustainability initiatives and performed a sustainability assessment review. The full Sustainability andRiskManagementCommitteeReport toShareholders is available in the Annual Report 2021 from pg. 311-313. Members Actions Members of the SRMC are chosen for their extensive experience in sustainability and risk management. Provides advice, and implements and monitors initiatives through multidisciplinary departments, such as strategy, risk, cybersecurity and corporate governance. Acknowledges and examines recommendations from a variety of sustainability indices and evaluations, as well as the opportunity to share best practices. The SRMC consists of four independent and four executive directors. SUSTAINABILITY AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (SRMC) 60 INDORAMA VENTURES PCL. VISION - TO BE A WORLD-CLASS SUSTAINABLE CHEMICAL COMPANY MAKING GREAT PRODUCTS FOR SOCIETY. FOR MORE INFORMATION Chief Strategy Officer Message Chairman of the ESG Council Message Key Achievements 2021 CEO Message IVL’s Sustainable Value Creation for Stakeholders Home