Indorama Ventures A4 EN

DRIVING CIRCULARITY THROUGH STAKEHOLDER PARTNERSHIPS In 2021, we increased our active participation in industry associations and memberships and extended our contributions in existing stakeholder partnerships. We also identified several collaborative opportunities to support our mid-termambitions. These efforts drive circularity locally, nationally and globally as IVL develops and distributes products that exceed customer expectations while contributing to business growth and financial sustainability. For more information on our industry associations and memberships, please see pg. 47. 74 INDORAMA VENTURES PCL. VISION - TO BE A WORLD-CLASS SUSTAINABLE CHEMICAL COMPANY MAKING GREAT PRODUCTS FOR SOCIETY. 2021 GPAP Partnership Pledges Update IVL participated in theWorld Economic Forum’s Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP) in 2020 and pledged to increase recycled PET content volumes by at least 750,000 tons by 2025 and US$ 1.5 billion towards achieving this goal. We actively promote sustainability through our trade associations, such as our participationwith the European Commission to ban the use of plastic for extra virgin olive oil packaging in Spain and supporting the EU’s non-recycled plastic packaging waste policy. We proactively share significant value and insights working with regulators and peers based on our extensive experience, size and capabilities. In 2021, we made great strides in growing our post-consumer recycling production capacity from 46,000 metric tons in 2020 to 346,000.We also grewour recycling capacity by 15%and increased our post-consumer recycled content by 9% to meet the 2020 pledge. IVL Endorses the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s call for EPR Packaging Non-biodegradable and non-reusable packaging must be kept in circulationwithin the economy, and out of the environment. We require dedicated, ongoing, and sufficient funding for collection, sor t ing and recycling to achieve this. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is the most feasible way to prevent tens of millions of tons of packaging from ending up in the environment every year and is the only proven and likely way to provide funding that is dedicated, ongoing, and sufficient. Through EPR schemes, companies putting packaging on the market are required to pay for its collection, sorting, and recycling after use. We are ready to step up and be part of the solution. In 2021, IVL supported the EllenMacArthur Foundation’s cal l for the implementation of EPR for packaging, together with more than150 leading businesses and organizations. By signing the statement, IVL recognizes this need and agreed to three firm commitments: 1. Ensure their entire organization is aligned on, and their actions are in line with this statement; 2. Be constructive in their engagement with governments and other stakeholders: advocating for the establishment of well-designed PR policies and being supportive in working out how to implement and continuously improve EPR schemes in the local context; 3. Engage with their peers and the relevant associations and collaborations we are part of to work towards aligning their positions and actions accordingly. Whi le IVL and the other endorsers of EPR may not have all the answers yet in implementing packaging solutions in across parts of the world, failure is not an option for any of us – we will be constantly seeking solutions to address this issue. Chief Strategy Officer Message Chairman of the ESG Council Message Key Achievements 2021 CEO Message IVL’s Sustainable Value Creation for Stakeholders Home