Indorama Ventures A4 EN

MANAGING OUR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Recognizing the impacts that we may have on the environment, we are proactively managing our energy consumption and continuously improving our internal processes, given the scale of our global operations as well as the nature of our business. These efforts are helping us achieve our ambitious climate targets. Despite the increased reporting scope and an increase in production output of 7% compared to 2020, we achieved overall reductions in GHG, energy and waste – demonstrating greater operating efficiencies and signaling that we are on track to deliver on our 2025 medium-term targets in line with our long-term 2050 ambitions. 2025 Target 10% water intensity reduction 2030 Target 20% water intensity reduction In 2021, we recorded a water use intensity of 5.33 m3/ton of production. This is a 0.48% increase against 2025 target. Nevertheless, we did achieve a utilization of 5.93% in volume of recycled/reused water. Water Intensity Targets and Performance WATER MANAGEMENT In exercising our responsibility tominimize impacts on surrounding communities and the environment, we carefully implement effective water management to prevent aggravating water-stressed environments where some of our sites operate. OurWater Management compliance is reinforced by our Global Corporate Water Management Policy and Strategy, which is part of IVL Group’s EHS policy and outlines our sustainable water management, including water withdrawal and discharge. We comply with all environmental laws, international standards and regulations in the countries where we operate. Nevertheless, backed by our values, such as embracing change and growing responsibly, this Policy and Strategy enables us to explore new ways to go beyond compliance. We started reporting our water usage and discharge metrics using the new GRI reporting requirements in 2020, and continued to do so in 2021. Internally, the 3Rs define our approach, while externally, weworkwith local authorities and communities by constructingwastewater treatment plants and lowering the use of freshwater in our operations. 116 INDORAMA VENTURES PCL. VISION - TO BE A WORLD-CLASS SUSTAINABLE CHEMICAL COMPANY MAKING GREAT PRODUCTS FOR SOCIETY. FOR MORE INFORMATION Chief Strategy Officer Message Chairman of the ESG Council Message Key Achievements 2021 CEO Message IVL’s Sustainable Value Creation for Stakeholders Home