Indorama Ventures A4 EN

In 2021, we recorded an increase in water intensity and a reduction in total recycledwater despite improvements in our water management through process efficiencies and technology enhancements. These improvements are integral to our water management compliance and in line with realizing our water-related targets. In 2021, we invested US$1.8 million in water consumption reduction projects andwill continue to do so in the years ahead. Please refer to the Global Performance Data section on pg. 165 for further performance data. GLANZSTOFF SICREM’S NEW COGENERATOR In an effort to reduce the total energy cost, a 3.2MWe Cogenerator was installed in 2021 at Glanzstoff Sicrem to heat the plant buildings during the winter season and partially heat the diathermal oil and water for increased efficiency of production. This project achieved a reduct ion in water consumptionof 401,650m3, contributing toa roughly 20% overall operational cost savings for the plant. 117 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 Total Water Withdrawal Total Recycled / ReusedWater Total volume of recycled / reused water (m3) Recycled / Reused water (%) 5.93 6.55 7.46 8.07 5,786,158 5,255,856 2018 2019 2020 2021 5,292,534 5,555,472 Total water withdrawal (m3) Intensity (m3 / ton of production) 82,504,769 65,222,820 60,285,763 2018 2019 2020 2021 5.31 5.33 5.10 5.32 88,083,250 Note: 5.33 m3 / ton of production for 2020 and 2021 reporting scopes Empowering Our People and Communities Global Performance Data GRI Standard Content Index Towards Net Zero Carbon Responsible Business and Effective Governance Driving Sustainable Value Creation and Growth