Indorama Ventures A4 EN

WATER RISK MANAGEMENT WATER SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Effective water management means managing the optimumuse of water resources, a critical risk that applies across our operations. As each siteworks within a unique operating context, we use the AQUEDUCT Water Risk tool, which combines 12 indicators to report relative water risks, total water available and total withdrawal. Through this tool, we regularly assess local water risks, limitations and opportunities. The AQUEDUCT Water Risk Tool is able to evaluate changes in water demand and supply, stakeholder risk, and regulations based on current and future conditions. Its predictive feature can foresee changes to water risk forecasting by up to two decades. The results from the evaluation are discussed during annual risk assessment committeemeetings to identifymitigationmeasures and initiatives for plants in extreme water-stressed areas or those having to deal with significant risks towater usage. Our integrated water risk analysis considers EBITDA and the financial impact on revenue and the cost of goods sold, to develop action plans and remedial activities that result from annual discussions. IVL has designated individuals as water champions at each of our operating plants to coordinate an integrated approach and ensure regular reporting to management. Further information isavailable inour2021WaterRiskAnalysisSummaryReport. OPERATION ADAPTATION TACKLES A WATER SHORTAGE (FROM GLOBAL WARMING) AND WATER SALINITY Indorama Ventures Portugal explored various ways to optimize rawwater and chemical utilizationwhile recycling plant effluents (saline and wastewater). The plant’s reverse osmosis technology was chosen, with the primary goal of recovering the cooling tower blowdown and re-routing to demineralize the water lines feed tank, reducing the use of strong acid and alkali for membrane regeneration. This initiative is anticipated to result in an annual raw water consumption reduction of 740,000 m3 (about 12% of overall plant usage). Similarly, this would result in a 15%reduction in caustic soda usage and47%reduction inhydrochloricacidconsumption. 118 INDORAMA VENTURES PCL. VISION - TO BE A WORLD-CLASS SUSTAINABLE CHEMICAL COMPANY MAKING GREAT PRODUCTS FOR SOCIETY. Asia (40 sites) 7% 33% 10% 25% 25% Total (112 sites) 15% 15% 23% 14% 33% 2021Water Stress Assessment (% of IVL’s operations identified in water stress areas using the AQUEDUCT Water Risk Tool) 19% 41% 28% 3% 9% Americas (32 sites) Extremely High High Low to Medium Medium to High Low Europe, Middle East and Africa (40 sites) 20% 15% 17% 20% 28% Chief Strategy Officer Message Chairman of the ESG Council Message Key Achievements 2021 CEO Message IVL’s Sustainable Value Creation for Stakeholders Home