Indorama Ventures A4 TH

173 2 5 6 4 ร ายง านคว ามยั่ งยืนปี 2 | P a g e TÜV® The reporting boundaries for the above topics include 112 operating sites across 33 countries. Since COVID19 prevented onsite verification, remote verification (via web-based video conference calls, and telephone calls) was conducted in November 2021, February, and March 2022. The assurance encompassed IVL Dhunseri Petrochem Industries – Haldia (PET) located in India; Indorama Petrochem (PTA) located in Thailand; Indorama Ventures Polymers Mexico (PET & Fibers) located in Mexico, Indorama Ventures Oxides Australia (IOD) located in Australia and Auriga Polymers (PET & Fibers) located in USA. The assurance activities were done together with a desk review carried out for all other IVL sites within the reporting boundary. Applicable boundaries for disclosures are explained in the Report. Limitations TUVI did not perform any assurance procedures on the prospective information, such as targets, expectations, and ambitions, disclosed in the Report. Consequently, TUVI draws no conclusion on the prospective information. During the assurance process, TUVI did not come across any limitation to the agreed scope of the assurance engagement. TUVI expressly disclaims any liability or co-responsibility for any decision a person or entity would make based on this Assurance Statement. Our Responsibility TUVI's responsibility in relation to this engagement was to perform a limited level of assurance and to express a conclusion based on the work performed. This engagement did not include an assessment of the adequacy or the effectiveness of IVL's strategy or Management of sustainability-related issues or the sufficiency of the report against principles of IIRC Integrated Reporting (<IR>), GRI Standards, AA1000AS Version 3, and AA1000 AP (2018), other than those mentioned in the scope of assurance. TUVI's responsibility regarding this verification is in accordance with the agreed scope of work which includes non-financial quantitative and qualitative information disclosed by IVL. This assurance engagement is based on the assumption that the data and information provided to us by IVL are complete and true. Verification Methodology During the assurance engagement, TUVI adopted a risk-based approach, focusing on verification efforts with respect to disclosures. TUVI has verified the disclosures and assessed the robustness of the underlying data management system, information flows, and controls. In doing so:  TUVI examined and reviewed the documents, data, and other information made available by IVL for non-financial disclosures;  TUVI conducted interviews with key representatives, including data owners and decision-makers from different functions of IVL;  TUVI reviewed the level of adherence to principles of "The <IR> Framework" and GRI standards: core option. Opportunities for Improvement The following are the opportunities for improvement reported to IVL. However, they are generally consistent with the Management's objectives and programs.  IVL can interlink the SAP data and define the material categories as stated under the disclosure GRI 301-1 for ‘raw materials’, ‘associated process materials’ and ‘material for packaging’ to increase the accuracy of the disclosure;  In line with “Climate Change Strategy”, IVL can list the green projects which were apprised by considering the ICP (Internal Carbon Price);  A corporate level training on the data management and definitions of significant parameters can be planned to further improve the data disclosure mechanism;  IVL can further update waste management data capturing to improve disclosure in line with the latest requirements of GRI 306 (2020) Sustainability Assurance Service ธุรกิจที่มีความรับผิดชอบและ การกำ �กับดูแลที่มีประสิทธิภาพ การขับเคลื่อนการสร้างคุณค่าและ การเติบโตอย่างยั่งยืน การมุ่งสู่การปล่อย ก๊าซเรือนกระจกสุทธิเป็นศูนย์ การเสริมสร้างพลังให้กับ พนักงานและชุมชนของเรา ข้อมูลผลการดำ �เนินงาน ทั่วโลก ดัชนีมาตรฐาน GRI