Indorama Ventures

2021 Recycling Education 716 Public and Community People 6 Recycling Talks 2,006 Students 29 Teachers 14 Virtual Training Sessions 57 Recycling Articles 23 Schools and Universities 5 Classroom Training Sessions 696 Downloads of Recycling Education Materials 846,045 Bottles Collected 36 Teaching Hours 1,296 Downloads of Recycling Education VDOs 18,801 kg. Bottles Returned to Recycling Factory* 2,751 People Received Training 5 Organizations RECYCLING EDUCATION We have conducted a recycling educational program as part of our recycling business since 2018 to convey the importance of recycling PET. This program helps children understand that they can play a part in driving a circular economy. We have extended our collaborations with various institutions, including schools, universities, companies and organizations, to improve awareness and benefit communities around the world. 2030 Target Educating one million consumers around the world about recycling LUAR BIASA Content verified by : Thailand Institute of Packaging and Recycling Management for Sustainable Environment (TIPMSE) 53,585** People (Cumulative 2018-2021) Progress against 2030 targets 35 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T E X E C U T I V E S U MM A R Y 2 0 2 1 * Only bottles returned to Indorama Polyester Industries Public Company Limited (Nakhon Pathom), Thailand ** COVID situation affected to number of people received training in last 2 years. FOR MORE INFORMATION HOME