
Indorama Ventures received a B-ranking in the 2023 ChemScore assessment, obtaining the second-place position among 50 global chemical companies.

ChemScore is the only independent ranking of companies producing hazardous chemicals and their efforts to transition to safer alternatives. The four different categories: the toxicity of their product portfolio, research and development of non-toxic chemicals, management & transparency and the number of controversies, are easily translated into relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This allows stakeholders to track the performance of chemical businesses, the higher the score, the better the performance.

This achievement resulted from the company’s proactive approach to responsible manufacturing to maintain its resilience and best-in-class chemical management practices. This is demonstrated by a strong commitment to environmental and health impact assessments for all its products, including hazard screening.

Moreover, Indorama Ventures sets ambitious goals with its target of zero violations of all applicable regulations. Also, the company's circular operations with KPIs and SMART targets reflect its ongoing progress in the development of bio-based raw materials, expanding its product portfolio with environmental and social benefits, and incorporating bio-based and recycled content, as well as products with a safer chemical composition.