We are committed to reducing our waste through our continued focus on improving operational eco-efficiencies and higher resource utilization. We ensure that strong compliance standards are in place to manage the waste at our sites according to regulatory requirements. This includes proper waste inventory by name, type, code (as required by law), storage location, method of offsite transportation, treatment and disposal, quantity of waste generated, and waste stored onsite and disposed of both onsite and offsite. We also ensure that our waste is disposed through sustainable and qualified vendors who reuse, recover or recycle. We manage our waste responsibly, strive to exceed regulatory requirements, and record the quantity of waste generated, stored onsite, and disposed of onsite and offsite. In addition, we carry out site audits of key vendors to ensure that their waste management standards are in-line with approved local regulations in addition to our sustainable practices.

2025 / 2030
Waste diverted from landfill
tons/ton of production
Progress against
2025 target:
Waste diverted from landfill

Total Hazardous Waste

Total hazardous waste (Tons)
Intensity (Tons / Ton of production)

Total Waste
Generated, Disposed, Reused, Recycled and Recovered

Total non-hazardous waste generated
Total non-hazardous waste reused, recycled and incinerated (with and without energy recovery)
Total non-hazardous waste disposed (composed, landfill, deep-well injection and others)
Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total non-hazardous waste generated Tons 243,104 197,669 287,069 307,901
Total non-hazardous waste reused, recycled and incinerated (with and without energy recovery) Tons 177,489 128,493 181,992 76,074
Total non-hazardous waste disposed (composed, landfill, deep-well injection and others) Tons 65,615 69,176 105,076 231,827


  • Intensities are calculated based on overall production including inter-company sales.
  • 2020 and 2021 environmental data has been restated using a more stringent definition and methodology.
  • 2020 baseline was adjusted for an alignment.
Case studies
Automation to Reduce Effluent Waste

Indorama Synthetics (India) has successfully implemented an automatic chemical dosing system for two of their cooling towers. This represents a significant advancement in automation and digitization, and offers numerous advantages over manual dosing. The automated system ensures that the desired level of chemicals is consistently maintained in the system, preventing both corrosion and scaling caused by underfeeding, in addition to chemical waste due to overfeeding.

Optimizing the production process, reducing pollution

Performance Fibers (China)

IVL fully supports China’s policy of reducing emissions and increasing energy efficiency while promoting technological progress. This is also integral in achieving our sustainability goals which are aligned with our vision: To be a world-class sustainable chemical company making great products for society.

Our Performance Fibers subsidiary in China focused on improving resource efficiency and reducing chemical waste. The chemical waste produced from tire cords consists of a complex structure, does not biodegrade easily and carries high treatment costs. the division initiated a project to reduce chemical consumption in its production process.